The Art of Dearmouring can have many faces.

Emotional release and emotional integration are two distinct processes related to our emotional well-being but both neccessary and have their total right to be there, felt, seen and experienced.

Emotional release involves the act of letting go of emotions that may be causing discomfort or distress. This can involve expressing emotions through various means such as talking to a trusted person, crying, screaming, expetiencing fear, breathwork or engaging in activity like f.e. trauma release exercies to release tension and stress.

Emotional integration, on the other hand, involves the process of acknowledging and accepting our emotions, thoughts, and feelings, and integrating them into our sense of self. This means recognizing that our emotions are a natural and important part of who we are, and finding healthy ways to express and manage them.

While emotional release can provide temporary relief from emotional distress, emotional integration is a more long-term process that involves developing emotional intelligence, self-awareness, and self-acceptance. Through emotional integration, we can cultivate a more authentic and resilient sense of self, and improve our ability to navigate challenging situations and relationships.

In essence, emotional release is about letting go of emotions, while emotional integration is about accepting and integrating them into our sense of self. Both processes can be important for our emotional well-being, and may involve different techniques and approaches depending on the individual's needs and circumstances.



From own experience it is often worthy first to move through emotional release exercises like TRE or Breathwork to open the body in order to become capable to dive deeper into our being and be more sensitive and open for emotional integration, but this depends on each individual. Everyone has different emotional core needs.

I love about the endless possibilities of being a dearmouring practitioner finding the right tools for each individual's needs in co-creation and inviting the unknown on this journey.



Reflections after coming out of a session and generated my first long-term client.


Um deine Zukunft zu gestalten, musst du alles riskieren und loslassen.


Sexual energy is the most misunderstood force. .