Oct 3,24 - Jan 3,25
Authentic Sensual Awakening

— online program for women, to rediscover and embrace their true sensual selves, offering profound personal transformation.

Authentic Sensual Awakening online program for women guides through a journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and deep connection to their bodies, your sexuality and sensuality.

This awakening involves a profound and truthful engagement with your physical body, emotions, and desires, leading to greater self-awareness and fulfillment.

Who Is This For?

  • Women who feel disconnected from their bodies and sensuality.

  • Those who have experienced shame or trauma related to their sexuality.

  • Women looking to explore a deeper, more authentic connection with themselves.

  • Anyone who wants to reclaim their power and pleasure in a supportive, nurturing environment.

"Authentic Sensual Awakening" is a transformative online program designed for women who wish to reconnect with their bodies, embrace their sensuality, and awaken to their fullest potential. This program offers a safe and nurturing space to explore and embody your true sensual self, free from societal judgments and limitations.

Embrace Your Authentic Sensuality: Leave the program with a deep, embodied understanding of your sensuality, free from external expectations.

Heal and Integrate: Heal past wounds and integrate all parts, leading to a more complete and empowered sense of self.

Live Fully and Joyfully: Feel more connected to your body, more confident in your sexuality, and more capable of experiencing joy and pleasure in all aspects of life.

designed for women.


Core Components

  • Sensual Embodiment Practices:

  • Guided exercises to reconnect with the body and awaken the senses.

  • Practices may include mindful movement, breathwork, dance & embodiment practise

  • Emphasis on grounding in the present moment and experiencing pleasure without guilt.

  • Exploring Authentic Sexuality:

    • Discussions and exercises around understanding and embracing your authentic sexual self.

    • Workshops on releasing shame and societal conditioning around female sexuality.

    • Tools for cultivating self-love and confidence in expressing your desires.

  • Healing the Inner Child:

    • Techniques to heal past traumas and reconnect with the playful, innocent aspects of your inner child.

    • Understanding how childhood experiences shape current sensual and sexual expression.

    • Exercises to integrate this healing into your daily life, fostering a more joyful and liberated sensuality.

  • Shadow Work and Sensuality:

    • Exploration of the "shadow" aspects of sensuality—those parts of yourself that have been suppressed or rejected.

    • Guided journaling, meditation, and group discussions to bring these aspects into the light.

    • Emphasis on how embracing these parts can lead to a more complete and authentic self.

  • Death and Rebirth in Sensuality:

    • Metaphorical exploration of "death" as the shedding of old beliefs, patterns, and identities around sensuality.

    • Guided meditations and visualizations to embrace the "rebirth" of your sensual self.

    • Tools to continually evolve and renew your relationship with your body and sensuality.

  • Community and Support:

    • A private online community for sharing experiences, challenges, and victories.

    • Live Q&A session to provide personalized support

    • Encouragement of mutual support and connection among participants

  • Duration: 12 weeks

  • Delivery: every other week Live Calls & assignements, a community platform, continuous support via private Telegram group, Live Q&A session

  • Bonuses: Access to additional resources like guided meditations, playlists for movement, and journaling prompts.

  • Price: Early Bird (until Oct 1st, 2024): 444.69 CHF
    Regular: 666.69 CHF
    Bring a friend: 566.69 CHF


Stephanie Amira
As a sexologist, body therapist and coach with a focus on the inner child, I support you on your path to more self-love, sexual fulfillment and a life in harmony with your nature.

My passion is to support you in letting go of the shame and fears that prevent you from living your sexuality freely, strengthening your body awareness and self-love, discovering new ways of lust and pleasure, developing a deeper connection to your body and your sexuality and bringing your life into harmony with your natural femininity.

— Sexologist, kundalini tao-tantric Bodywork, Dearmouring, inner child coaching and pleasure activist.

Astrid Hübner
For me, the idea is that everything in the universe is made up of energy, and by tapping into this energy, you can transform your life in incredible ways. Integrate what you/I think (IQ) with what you/I feel (EQ) and understand the language of your/my body (SQ). Inner (Somatic) Connection is a foundation for being adventurously alive—

I focuse on consent, trauma-sensitivity, and self-development. I provide space for emotional expression, self-love and personal growth, transforming blockages and finding inner power and purpose. With that approach, I ensure safety, authenticity, and love in the full range of life experiences.

— Somatic Therapy, Dearmouring, Tantric Bodywork, Embodiment Coaching

  • Q& A

    +41 76 452 9007


    +41 79 845 6231