private dearmouring

Finally, conversations about topics were possible, that were previously too painfull/triggers to talk about. I feel more confident about my relationship with my wife. I am grateful, my panic attacks no longer block me. It needs Astrid´s powerful, wild, empathetic, and mindful energy in the Dearmouring field.

–  Tom

Each of us holds our keys to unlock ourselves.

Are you struggling in life's life, sabotaging yourself time and time again?

✧ You are serious about profound personal growth.  
✧ You know that there is a more loving way of being.
✧ You are committed to increasing the quality of your life.
✧ Yearning for deep intimacy, developing the courage to change.

Each client is a warrior willing to face their past, which is playing out in their present-day lives, holding them/you hostage from experiencing the deep happiness that you so deserve.

Much love, Michael & Astrid

deep-core is a profound private dearmouring journey supported by two facilitators. It is more than personal growth. It's incredibly transformative, liberating yourself from your limitations. becoming a lantern in a world longing for genuine authenticity.

Astrid Hübner
´We dearmour the planet by just being us´

Tantric Bodywork
NTB Breathwork
Trauma & Body Therapy

Somatic Therapy
Embodiment Coach

My name is Astrid. I focuse on consent, trauma-sensitivity, and self-development. Whether I support you in somatic therapy, Dearmouring, tantric bodywork, or embodiment coaching, I create a welcoming environment for individuals to deepen their relationships with oneself and prioritize authenticity, emotional openness and body-mind connection.

Michael Beaton-Brown
´Evolve or Repeat´

Humanistic Therapy
Shadow work

Massage (Sciatica Specialist)

Michael promotes: Increasing the quality of someone’s life, helping people evolve, and connecting to You on a personal level.

Participating in a Dearmouring Session with Michael was a profound journey towards healing and liberation. I realized layers of emotional and physical tension stored deep within, yet powerful techniques. Michael guided me through unraveling past traumas, allowing me to reclaim my body and reconnect with my true essence. This experience gave me a newfound sense of freedom, vitality, and inner peace. I highly recommend Dearmouring with Michael to anyone, seeking profound healing and transformation.
– Gloria

Seven years ago, my business collapsed, and I went down with it. My family system broke down too. A lot of corpses fell out of the closet, and we begin to dance.
After going through the darkest time of my life when suicidal depression, panic attacks and addictions where my reality came the light at the end of the tunnel – emigration to Iceland. I was committed to healing process from then on. 
Through these years I tried a lot of practices – meditation, journaling, working out, holotropic breathwork, plant medicine. I have read countless books on psychology, spirituality and self-help. I went through therapy and attended Men’s Circle every week. 
All the above resulted in more emotional stability. With greater insight and self-knowledge came peace of mind. I begin to build mental resilience. But I was still not able to truly shine. Something was holding me back. Something demanded attention. Something wanted to be witnessed before I could really let it go.
That way I got to Dearmouring with Astrid and Michael.
I have met them during festival on Iceland. I was absolutely amazed how they could pick up on my energy. How easy for them was to sense that my armour started to crack. When Astrid asked me to be the subject of their workshop I felt like someone was calling me home... 
“Welcome Warrior”, said Michael greeting me few minutes before everything has started, “this is where it all ends”.
“Enough… Enough of it”, were the only words that came out of my mouth. 
Around 20 people gathered to witness the process. I sat in front of Astrid on mattress in the middle of room and it begin. I don’t remember details of it but felt safe all the way through it. I think the sense of safety was the key that allowed for the whole range of emotions to pop up and leave my system. Rage, longing, hate, sadness, resentment, shame… And every one of them was met with nonjudgemental, loving presence of witnesses. All that was happening was held perfectly by facilitators. 
Mix of male and female energy was also big factor in this. Both Michael and Astrid intuitively knew when it was time for more space and when I needed more support. Bodywork that was done was both decisive and respectful. 
Now, writing those words week from the experience I still feel this inner spaciousness. There is no war within going on. I sleep better. I recover from workouts better. I can be more accepting towards my partner, myself and everybody really. 
What is most amazing that I can be with shame. It didn’t go away, no. But lying all sweaty and exhausted after process was done, I was able for the first time in my life be present with my shame. I wasn’t overpowered by it. It wanted everybody to leave the room before I could get up and it was me deciding what will happen. It didn’t paralyze me. It just asked for my respect, so I respected it. I know it is HUGE step towards resolving this issue in my soul.
Safety, respect, huge empathy, instinct and experience of Astrid and Michael allow me to recommend their Work to anybody ready to dive deep into the nature of their soul. If you felt even hint of the calling towards it your process has already began. Don’t hesitate to reach out to them. They are amazing beings and I cannot thank them enough. 
Deamouring with Michael oh what can I say at first I was extremely guarded, felt quite hesitant, and perhaps kept making excuses as to why I shouldn't do it. Michael reassured me. I was greeted with a gentle smile. The atmosphere of the room felt warm and welcoming. 

Deamouring helped me shed some layers of trauma that I had been keeping without even realizing what was beneath. It helped me understand myself and some of the behaviors I have regarding attachments. I was able to release some of the stuck energy that had been raised by the session. It was like a rollercoaster ride, wasn't pretty but it was very effective. I cried, I screamed and there were some physical outbursts, but I was able to let it all out. Michael allowed me to just be me. 
After the session, I felt I had a huge weight lifted off my shoulders some of the baggage I had been carrying over the years, which was a heavy burden on me. I felt lighter and a sense of peace had sunk into me. Aftercare from Michael has been outstanding. He took his time in reaching out to me and listened to me. It wasn't a case of just doing the deamouring session and that is it and left to your own accord. Would I do it again? Definitely yes! I would recommend anyone who would like to do Deamouring and experience an extremely powerful journey with Michael you will be most definitely in good care before, during, and after the session.  
–  Leman 

Deep Core private dearmouring

  • 1x Intention-Call and Q&A

  • Deep in-person transformation sessions*

  • Ongoing support during that time by two facilitators

  • Integration

  • 2x Aftermath Calls

*Private Dearmouring sessions are tailored to each individual´s emotional, mental & physical health.

we are in service for you

Deep core delves deeply into every aspect of your life: physical, emotional, mental, energetic, and spiritual. Experience the power of deeply letting go by gently opening, shedding limitations, and returning home to your true Self.

Invitation: Somatic Consent Work, Meditation, mindful & somatic embodiment exercises, Embodiment Coaching

Somatic Healing: Breathwork, Dearmouring, Sexual Healing, Emotional Release, Trauma Healing, Shadow & Inner Child Work, Shake Free with Trauma, Stress & Tension Release Exercises, Energy Work

contact us

Deep Core Private Dearmouring is tailor-made.
You can also book single sessions with us.

Michael: +44 (0)7827 338 889

Astrid: +41 (0)7984 56231

In our holistic approach, Michael & I exclude nothing. somatic healing interweaves with embodiment work and coaching to integrate what you think (IQ) with what you feel (EQ) and understand the language of your body (SQ).

  • Embracing your fears and transforming them

  • Dismantling unhealthy patterns

  • Dissolving protective layers

  • Feeling safe in your body

  • Connecting with your innate inner wisdom

  • Releasing stuck emotions

  • Engaging with your shadows

  • Promoting a profound openness to feelings and experiences

  • Reclaiming authenticity, empowerment, and full expression

  • Opening the gateway to a life unburdened by old pain

  • Reconnecting with your true self and deeper purpose

  • Choosing authentic intimacy in relationships

  • Feeling the power of satisfaction in a new quality

  • Fostering the beauty and joy of life