the embodied mind
allow nature to heal

One of the most impactful lessons I've learned from you is the importance of body awareness in managing my emotions and stress levels. Your wisdom has taught me to be mindful of the sensations within my body, recognizing where in my body I feel stress or joy, and using that awareness as a tool for emotional regulation and mindfulness. This simple yet powerful practice has become a cornerstone of my daily life, enabling me to navigate my emotions with grace and understanding.

–  J.

Healing is a deep trust in ourselves—confidence in our bodies' intelligence and character.

Are you struggling to connect and understand deeply the innate wisdom of your body?

✧ You are serious about profound personal growth.  
✧ You know that there is a more loving way of being.
✧ You are committed to increasing the quality of your life.

Much love, Astrid

the embodied mind interweaves Embodiment coaching & bodywork together. Integrate what you think (IQ) with what you feel (EQ) and understand the language of your body (SQ). write your new blueprint.

Astrid Hübner
´We dearmour the planet by just being us´

Dearmouring Practitioner
Embodiment Coach (ICF)
NTB Breathwork Facilitator
Trauma & Body Therapy

Love is our essence.
When we truly say YES to our hearts, we are safe.
We are here to live. Feel and pulsate, experience life's essential beauty and joy, and feel alive.

As I reflect on our six sessions together, I feel compelled to express my profound gratitude and admiration for the journey you've guided me through. Your expertise in breathing exercises, neurotransformative breathwork activation, bodywork, and healing life flow has opened up new dimensions of wellness in my life.

One of the most impactful lessons I've learned from you is the importance of body awareness in managing my emotions and stress levels. Your wisdom has taught me to be mindful of the sensations within my body, recognizing where in my body I feel stress or joy, and using that awareness as a tool for emotional regulation and mindfulness. This simple yet powerful practice has become a cornerstone of my daily life, enabling me to navigate my emotions with grace and understanding.

Moreover, your philosophy of allowing oneself to fully experience emotions, whether it be sadness or joy, has been truly liberating. It has taught me to embrace my feelings without judgment, understanding that each emotion is a vital part of the human experience. This approach has not only deepened my emotional resilience but has also fostered a sense of peace and acceptance within myself.

Astrid, your coaching has been a transformative experience, enriching my life in ways I couldn't have imagined. Your passion, knowledge, and kindness have not only made a significant impact on my personal growth but have also inspired me to live more consciously and compassionately.

Thank you for being such a remarkable guide and mentor. I am immensely grateful for the wisdom and insights you've shared, and I look forward to carrying these lessons with me as I continue on my journey of self-discovery and well-being.

With heartfelt thanks,
– J.

Receiving transformational Coaching from you is pure magic. 
– Tove

The embodied mind includes

  • 1x Intention-Call and Q&A

  • 5x Deep in-person transformation sessions*

  • Integration

  • 1x Aftermath Call

*Private sessions are tailored to each individual´s emotional, mental & physical health.

Connect with your innate inner wisdom

It is being present to engage, focus, and rediscover what is in the present moment. To breathe, to connect with the heart via the body.

We are creating space and time, slowing down. It´s about being, observing our body language, listening, and thinking outside the box. By focusing on subtle bodily expressions, we discover much more about ourselves than about our counterparts.

Invitation: Coaching, Mindful & somatic exercises

Somatic Healing: Hands-on Bodywork, Breathwork

Empowerment: Authenticity. The connection of mindset and feeling & understanding the language of your body.

invest in yourself.

The Embodied Mind is tailor-made.

Prices & Questions: Astrid: +41 (0)7984 56231