Sexual energy is the most misunderstood force. .

That energy is not just a sexual experience between humans. It is the living pulse of life, pure creative power. Our sexual energy is innocent. It is our expression of pure desire to be alive. It is the compassionate, unconditional exchange of love. Everything contains this powerful impulse. Its most profound expression is the desire to give love. Without that energy, there would be none of this - no you, no me. So that's why it is so powerful.

Suppressing that energy takes an incredible amount of energy to keep it locked down. Still, we do because of shame, judgment, emotional wounding, sexual trauma, and deliberate manipulation through cultural conditioning.

That's when that energy becomes distorted. And here's the thing — almost everyone is sexually repressed, one way or another.

When we explore deeper into our bodies and release emotional, energetic, and physical contractions that block the free flowing of our Prana/ Qi (Life Force) and a step further our sexual energy, something incredible happens: our aliveness fully awakens.

We feel and sense ourselves in a state of vibrancy, allow vulnerability by expressing our emotions openly, and own our desires, needs, and boundaries in relating. The most beautiful gift is allowing ourselves to integrate our repressed desires. I just met my dark masculine, who is drawn to the energy of power, and yes, there is that energy of taking. I admit that my dark male wants to penetrate a man physically to experience the quality of power or whatever shows up, integrate it emotionally, and alter it.


When we realize we are powerful beings beyond measure, interconnected with all and every one of life. Our true empowerment starts when we liberate ourselves and integrate even the dark parts within us, shedding skin.

We are not our jobs, money, parents, bad relationships, emotional wounds, or health problems. We are here to love, be loved, create, enjoy, inspire each other, and experience inner liberation freely.


Embodying Prana/ Qi and finally claiming my sexual energy back changed my life in many ways. It brought a deep inner state of freedom and empowerment in my emotional and energetic body in an intimate encounter with myself and others based on trust, integrity, and consent.

And Yes, if you shed one layer, another shows up. Tbc.

And Yes, that is also a very personal sharing from a vulnerable spot within myself - being rejected for what I stand for.

And Yes, my experience is also that it can create a feeling of safety for some because the unspoken becomes spoken. The unseen becomes visible.



The Art of Dearmouring can have many faces.


Aliveness: Finding Presence through our Bodies, Finding Love through our Presence