It feels like a healing dream. Powerful, mindful, loving, honoring my body. Something magical happened to me. This morning, after a long time, I felt terrific in my body again, pure healing that penetrates every cell. I soon noticed this bond with you, which made me feel protected and carried throughout the session. I could let myself go. The treatment itself felt nourishing and strengthening. 

Myofascial Energetic Release Bodywork

Our hands are extensions of our hearts.

Myofascial Energetic Release Bodywork goes beyond the mechanics of muscle manipulation; it’s an art of channeling healing energy from the soul level.

Touch, often referred to as the language of the soul, is a fundamental sense necessary for our survival. The skin, our body’s largest organ, serves as a protective barrier against dehydration and harmful microbes. Beyond its physical role, the skin is rich in nerve endings, enabling us to feel the nuances of temperature, pressure, and pain. Conscious touch transcends the physical, delving into the realms of energetic and emotional bodies, fostering a profound connection between individuals.

Our hands are extensions of our hearts. When we touch consciously, we bring a loving, compassionate presence that transcends the physical realm. It goes beyond the mechanics of muscle manipulation; it’s an art of channeling healing energy from the soul level. The hands, acting as messengers of the heart, convey empathy, understanding, and care. The depth of this connection is not just felt physically but resonates on an energetic and emotional level, creating a transformative experience.

In Myofascial Energetic Release Bodywork, I introduce the fundamental concept of conscious touch through four stages:

1. Intention: The power of intention sets the stage for the entire experience. As I connect with my client, the intention becomes a guiding force, invoking responses through the synergy of heart and mind.

2. Approach: The approach, gentle yet purposeful, involves moving toward the client’s physical body. Tuning into the present moment and the client’s energy fields allows for an interaction that guides energy to its intended destination.

3. Pre-Touch: Holding the hand a few centimeters above the body in this stage creates an energetic connection. Similar to Reiki, it fosters healing without direct physical contact, establishing a foundation for profound transformation.

4. Touch: The final stage brings forth the actual physical touch. Here, the hands – extensions of the heart – create a dance of healing. Maintaining a connection with the heart and synchronized breath, the touch is tender, akin to cradling a baby—with love, empathy, and compassion.

This transformational approach to touch extends beyond the massage table, becoming a way of being in the world. The hands, as extensions of the heart, hold the power to communicate a language that words often fail to convey. It is a silent conversation that speaks volumes—a shared energy that transcends spoken language.

As we delve deeper into the practice of conscious touch, it becomes evident that the healing extends beyond the physical body. It reaches into the energetic and emotional realms, addressing not only muscular tension but also the knots within the soul. Each intentional stroke becomes a gesture of kindness, a whisper of compassion that resonates in the deepest corners of our being.

Conscious touch is not just a physical act; it is an art form that requires a profound connection to one’s own heart. The facilitator becomes a conduit of positive energy, allowing the healing essence of love to flow through their hands. The recipient, in turn, feels not only the physical release but also an emotional and energetic rejuvenation.

So, let us embark on this magical journey of conscious touch—a journey that goes beyond the hands, beyond the physical, and into the realm of the heart. Let us remember that in every intentional touch, we have the power to create a ripple effect of love and healing that extends far beyond the immediate moment. Through conscious touch, we rediscover the magic that lies within the simplest and most profound act of human connection.

I invite my clients to remain gently present and all that is happening inside themselves. I use a variety of touches, such as neutral “listening” touches, shaking and rocking, dynamic or held deep pressures, stretches, breath touches, strokes, and more. My client can enjoy the touches while being encouraged to attend to the effects on their whole self: On the connections through the whole system, the breath, the physical sensory experience, the flow of energy throughout the body, and the increasing presence and stillness. The Session is on the floor.


It is always so amazing when I come to you. The spaces that you open, the energy, and how you work bring things back into alignment. It feels as if everything is returning to its place. 
I feel my body more and the energy as it flows back inside—inner Flow-State. I have learned not to do anything after, but be with me and let everything resonate and integrate. Thank you for this deep journey 
Thank you for your loving touch. Your kind and magical hands have supported me in my deep healing process. Your selfless love, presence, and words were healing and supportive of my path.
I like about your work is that you notice that you connect with the other person at that moment and feel into them and realize what you need at that moment. I feel very held. Sometimes I feel like a baby - lovingly touched, and I can confidently give myself into it. It's not that easy for me to accept, but with you, it's very easy for me, and I feel through your presence, I can get and show myself everything that is there at the moment.
Every session with you is different in its course. I appreciate your intuitive attunement to me in the moment of what is there that day and intuitively guiding me; every experience felt right to me and gave me exactly what I needed this day. I feel deeply relaxed afterward, and things on other levels resolve. My whole system is balanced, which gives me a lot. I always feel great afterward. 