an act of self-love
conscious touch Bodywork

I learned so much about my energy field. 
– Louise


The body is the historian of the mind. We keep a cellular record stored in the body of everything we have ever experienced. 

We “wear” our history; the body knows and remembers our traumas, our highs, and especially our lows, which get replayed over and over again through our aches and painful postures. Even our diseases and maladies come out of our history of pain.

There is Wisdom in the body that knows how to “unwind” these life traumas and restore us to a state of greater health and clarity. Turn to it for guidance in and through the painful archives of your past." A somatic-based touch therapy can unwind these life traumas especially when we don't remember or understand how such traumas occurred.  

The Magic of Conscious Touch Bodywork: A Journey into the Heart
·       Increase in energy and libido

·       Better relationships with intimate partners due to a resulting improvement in how they communicate what type of touch they desire

·       The establishment of better boundaries and the ability to communicate boundaries in their relationships

·       A greater ability to receive one-way touch so they don't have to give back - as a result, they feel no pressure to perform

·       Deeper appreciation and love for themselves

·       A sense of their thoughts, feelings, emotions, and behavior now feeling in unison

·       Being conscious and increasing their ability to respond, rather than being reactive

Conscious Touch Bodywork is a radical method that changes how your body understands pleasure. Your body provides messages and has its intuition, learn to listen to these messages. 

Body-based sessions are a catalyst in them being empowered, energized, and in tune with your sexuality.

Astrid Hübner
´We dearmour the planet by just being us´

Dearmouring Practitioner
Transformational & Embodiment Coach (ICF)
NTB Breathwork Facilitator
Trauma & Body Therapy

Love is our essence.
When we truly say YES to our hearts, we are safe.
We are here to live. Feel and pulsate, experience life's essential beauty and joy, and feel alive.

I want to share my gratitude for you in teaching me to run the energies. I’ve had some powerful self-love sessions where I can touch my stomach below my belly button and the energies instantly come flowing strongly. That spot is my Sacred Spot, and which I identified during the Sacred Spot ritual. Thank you again for your power! 
– Anonym

conscious touch Bodywork

  • 1x 30 min Intention-Call and Q&A

  • A discussion in setting boundaries, desires, and manifestations.

  • In-person Conscious Touch Bodywork sessions*

  • Guided meditation, breathing, and sound techniques.

  • Information on what actions you can take in your life to achieve exactly what you want

    *Conscious Touch Bodywork sessions are agreed upon beforehand. We discuss boundaries and desires, and I will explain how you can ask for adjustments so you receive the type of touch you desire.

Connect with your innate inner wisdom

Touch and somatic therapies, including tantric massage facilitate the intuition of the body and improve how we communicate with ourselves. Having a Conscious Touch session is a great act of self-love. It can increase the amount of pleasure your body can experience and with repeated sessions, the level of pleasure increases.

Invitation: Body Awareness, Meditation, Consent & Boundary Work,

Somatic Healing:
Tantric Breathwork, Conscious Touch, the possibility of Dearmouring

invest in yourself.

The duration of conscious touch bodywork sessions can be from 120-180 minutes. Each session is bespoke depending on the client's requirements. Please contact me directly to discuss the type of conscious touch session that you’d love to have. There can be discounts for people who purchase a series of sessions.

: Astrid: +41 (0)7984 56231