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Deep Core Dearmouring Circle

Deep Core Dearmouring Circle
📅 Saturday 05 October 2024
⏰ 10 am - 20 pm
📍 Solsetrid, Skrauthólar 4, Kjalarnes, 162, Iceland
ISK 8000-11000 per person - Booking is necessary.
Places are limited to 12.
Facilitated by Astrid

This group circle focuses on releasing emotional and energetic blockages through practices, creating a safe space for healing and empowerment.
What to expect:
• Consentwork
• Boundary Work
• Nervous System regulation
• Guided meditation and neurotransformative breathwork
• Gentle movement and embodiment exercises
• Process circle and active listening
• Witnessing
• Energy work and chakra balancing
• Emotional release
• Trauma release exercises
• Integration

In this group process, we embrace a holistic approach to dearmouring, providing avenues to address diverse blockages within our bodies. This involves both direct work with trauma and harnessing the power of sexual energy for healing.

This Circle is for:
Everyone seeking emotional healing within the realms of relationships and sexuality.
⬇️ See below for details on how to book your spot at this event.

12 July

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