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Deep CORE LIVE Dearmouring Workshop

Deep CORE LIVE Dearmouring Workshop
📅 Thursday November 2024
⏰ 19 pm - 21.30 pm
📍 Solsetrid, Skrauthólar 4, Kjalarnes, 162, Iceland
ISK 4000 per person - Booking is necessary.
Places are limited to 12.
Facilitated by Michael & Astrid

Deep Core is more than personal growth. It's incredibly transformative, liberating yourself from your limitations, and becoming a lantern in a world longing for genuine authenticity. Dearmouring is a profound process, that deeply influences and transforms all areas of our lives: physical, emotional, mental, energetic, and spiritual. Dearmouring is a co-creational somatic, sensory process in which all power returns to the client—a meeting in a profound, intimate, trusting and, loving, caring, respectful way. The shift happens when the body is ready to surrender fully. And the ego-mind lets an undeserving piece die. Unconditional love is the essence in which we meet.

In this LIVE Dearmouring Workshop, Michael & Astrid will demonstrate the beauty of Dearmouring on a participant and the endless possibilities to empower oneself. We start with a short explanation, followed by just witnessing the process unfolding in front of you. Feel the energy and the space is gheld for a possible group process.

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13 November

Energetic Orgasm