Rapid transformation through
your breath

Neurotransformative Breathwork (NTB)

Consciously working with the breath bypasses the mind and allows you to reach another state of consciousness. 

Neurotransformative Breathwork (NTB) is a Guided, holistic breathwork sequence that balances various bio-hacking methods and scientific findings with a dash of electronic beats and intention.

Neurotransformative Breathwork takes you to this place very quickly. The breathwork sequence gives the brain's executive function something to focus on, allowing one to bypass the mental level of consciousness and drop into a deeper state of consciousness where healing, spirit, and love reside.

It’s developed based on scientific research and focuses on changing the mental state through the breath.It combines techniques from Tantra Kriyas, Pranayama, Orgasm Breathwork, Wimhof Method, Trauma Release Tools, Body Dearmouring, and Breath Retention.

By engaging in the NTB breath, you're bio-hacking your physiology. Ultimately, you liberate your body and mind from trauma, physical blockages, and toxins. This gives you easy access to pure life force energy, a peaceful mind, a relaxed body, and many "feel good" hormones.

  • TRANSFORMATIVE: NTB works as a profound transformational tool. It changes you, brings your inner chemistry into balance, and removes blocks so you can feel life fully from the inside. You can use it to boost your visions and desires and create the person you want to become. You must try it to know it!
  • POWERFUL: NTB is one of the most potent breathwork techniques. It doesn't matter how much or little inner work you have done; it always works. It comes with physical, mental, and energetic benefits. It is a universal boost of pure life force guaranteed to bring you joy and a feeling of bliss!
  • SIMPLE: NTB is simple: you can do it from the comfort of your home. You can start now and use it for the rest of your life. It's no rocket science. But, of course, being led in a group or by a facilitator will provide an even deeper experience.
  • Rejuvenating your skin, bringing freshness to your looks
  • Speeding up your cells' capacity to heal and recover
  • Freeing yourself from draining negative energy, unhealthy habits, and self-sabotage
  • Embodying a higher sense of self-worth, self-love, and self-acceptance
  • Expanding your courage and confidence to embrace each unfolding moment
  • Living everyday life with clarity and curiosity
  • Connecting to your higher self and life purpose
  • Energizing your will to create the future on your terms
  • Experiencing a supreme sense of unity, oneness, and belonging


NTB Breathwork

Every Other Sunday
10.00 GMT / 11.00 LO / 12.00 ZH /
13.00 JOR / 05.00 NY

Hear what others say

 had already very strong sexual energy flowing in my body, and this orgasmic NTB breathwork went very deep. I got trembling, super pleasurable energetic orgasms when releasing the breath retention. I also released tensions in my neck. And I wasn’t cold - vice versa I needed to take off some clothes. I was so hot! There was a strong fire in my yoni ja the whole pelvis area, rising up through my body and pelvis.
– Milka
After journeying inside with the breath carried by your sensitive being, your powerful presence, and your gentle voice, I feel grounded again, connected to my whole body instead of just my head, and full of fresh energy. Tensions and old emotions were allowed to show up, be experienced, and let go. The guided tools for emotional release were beneficial to relax and let go even better after the conscious tension in the whole body. And the energy could flow more freely in the body with sensations such as warmth and tingling. Thank you for your being. 
– Mario

I found the experience with you again something extraordinary. Now that we've seen each other a few times, I'm following you better and better. The fear of doing something "wrong" is becoming less and less for me, which makes me more relaxed. Your open and calm nature encourages this in me. The instructions were understandable and pleasant for me. I found your voice and speech melody to match the music and mood. I found it very supportive that you kept reminding me to park my mind. I felt very familiar with the group dynamics with Marina.
– Elise
The experience with you was very grounding and horizon-broadening for me. I knew I could hold my breath for 2 minutes without problems, e.g., Not. I felt warmly welcomed and safe. Your guidance and pleasant voice guided me safely and understandably through the process. It was terrific that you showed transparency about your inner state. So everyone knew from where this energy came. I felt held from AZ, also spatially.​ The topic of the session, absorbing earth energy through the root chakra and letting it flow into the crown chakra (and vice versa), is my journey: I lay deep on the ocean floor! Anger flared up at home.
– Marina

“ I feel so grounded, safe, and secure in my body. Your journey allowed my life force to flow into every part of my body down to the last fiber - everything is now whole and filled with the calm power of trust. The puzzle pieces in my body were allowed to connect, and I felt my body fully taking possession and experiencing it. Wonderful! The connection to me, my body, heart, and womb space occurred yesterday as desired. I plan to continue to hold it through my breathing or reconnect when needed. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your presence and how you open and have the space for boundless trust - I feel that we who come to you, our souls, are also your children! You are a wonderful mother. Yesterday I didn't go to the bus stop but was drawn across the Rhine. Since no one else was there, I sang and blared the whole way, it flowed out of me, and I felt the power, power of creation, joy, and grace - the experience of the breath journey carried me there. I am also so grateful for this moment, my resonance." 
To be honest: You as a person and your connection to your work make it this brilliant experience! Many thanks for that exciting breathwork experience.
– Zsofia
Breath is everything. We are here to remember. What a journey. I have NEVER experienced a Breathwork journey like this. I completely deep-dived into the sound worlds, carried away and immersed in Bliss.
– Mio
  • ❖ Undisturbed room/place
    ❖ Speakers / Headphones
    ❖ Blindfold
    ❖ Yoga mat
    ❖ Blanket 
    ❖ Comfortable clothing 
    ❖ Water 

  • Unique Breathwork Journey interweaved with voice, soundscapes, rhythmic beats, and shamanic sounds. Possible provided Dearmouring Tools:

    ❖ Awareness of sensations and vibrations in the body
    ❖ Emotional release
    ❖ Sexual awakening
    ❖ Altered states of consciousness

  • ❖ Epilepsy
    ❖ High blood pressure (if not treated with medication)
    ❖ Strokes, seizures, TIAs, or other brains/neurological disorders
    ❖ Cardiovascular disease and/or irregularities, including a previous heart attack
    ❖ Taking prescription blood thinning medications such as Coumadin, Monitor Lizard
    ❖ Pregnancy (never in the first 12 weeks)
    ❖ Asthma (participation possible, please have the inhaler ready)
    ❖ Previous diagnosis of bipolar disorder or schizophrenia by a healthcare professional
    ❖ Hospitalization for a psychiatric condition or emotional crisis in the last ten years
    ❖ If you have PTSD with severe current symptoms, please seek the approval of a therapist
    ❖ Other medical, psychiatric, or physical conditions require, impair, or affect intense physical activity and/or emotional relaxation.

    For questions about pregnancy, physical or psychiatric situation,  contact me.

  • By attending a session, you fully agree to take full responsibility for your health, long-term well-being, integration, and outcomes after the session.  I am not responsible for the results of your participation. If you have a known psychological or physical instability, please consult a doctor or therapist before attending a session.