what is the "pain body" in Dearmouring?

In the context of dearmouring, the "pain body" is a term that refers to the accumulation of unresolved emotional pain, trauma, and negative energy within the body. This concept is closely associated with the work of spiritual teacher Eckhart Tolle, though it is also relevant in the practice of dearmoring.

Understanding the Pain Body

1. Accumulation of Pain: The pain body is thought to be a sort of energetic entity within us, formed by the accumulation of past emotional wounds, traumas, and negative experiences. This pain is often stored in the body as physical tension, discomfort, or chronic pain.

2. Connection to Armouring: In dearmouring, the pain body is seen as being connected to the concept of armoring. The physical armor that forms in response to emotional and psychological stress can be seen as a manifestation of the pain body. The pain body feeds on negative emotions and can become activated, influencing our thoughts, behaviors, and reactions.

3. Activation of the Pain Body: The pain body can be triggered by certain situations, thoughts, or interactions, causing an individual to react in ways that are disproportionate to the current situation. This is because the pain body is essentially reliving old emotional wounds and projecting them onto the present moment.

Role of Dearmouring in Addressing the Pain Body

1. Release of Stored Tension: Dearmouring aims to release the physical and energetic blocks that correspond to the pain body. Through bodywork, breathwork, or other therapeutic techniques, the practitioner helps the individual release the tension, allowing the stored pain to surface and be processed.

2. Possible Emotional Catharsis: As the armor is released, the pain body may become activated, leading to the surfacing of intense emotions or memories. This emotional release, or catharsis, is a crucial part of the dearmoring process, as it helps the individual to confront, express, and ultimately let go of the pain stored within their body.

3. Transformation of Consciousness: By deactivating and integrating the pain body, individuals can experience a shift in consciousness. They become less reactive, more present, and more in tune with their true self, free from the distortions caused by the pain body.

Integration and Healing

Mind-Body Awareness: Dearmouring helps individuals become more aware of the connection between their physical sensations and emotional states. This increased awareness can lead to a deeper understanding of the pain body and how it influences their life.

Ongoing Process: Healing the pain body is often an ongoing process. As layers of armor are released, deeper levels of the pain body may be revealed, requiring continued work to fully heal and integrate these aspects of oneself.

Nourishment after Release: After release it is crucial to fill this space, nourish it.

In summary, within the context of dearmoring, the pain body represents the accumulated emotional pain and trauma stored in the body. Dearmoring techniques aim to release this pain, facilitating emotional healing and a shift in consciousness.

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How dearmouring contributes to a shift in consciousness?