What does it mean to make something sacred?
In these fast-paced times, when many people believe that "more is better," it's no wonder that men and women are content with external sexual relations. With this phenomenon comes the pressure to be 'ready to go,' be turned on, have an orgasm (or even multiple orgasms), and look like a pornstar. All the while staying relatively "disconnected" from our partner. Yet studies have shown that among the highest fulfillments in human life are the meaningful connections shared with others. Be that as it may, this type of connection would require us to
slow down, way down.
Sacred Sexuality offers us a unique experience that allows us to reach the most profound levels of sexual ecstasy and a higher quality of life. However, one thing's for sure, the aspirant must be willing to release, even if only temporarily, the drive to have hurried explosive orgasms and surrender into the languid journey of self-discovery.
Most of us have a basic definition of Sexuality. But what's less obvious is that Sacred Sexuality is more than an act; it is an energy. Sacred Sexuality is more than an act; it is a potent energy that lives inside us whether we think about sex or not.
We live, think, create, and materialize our dreams into reality through this same energy.
This force of life breathes us every single day of our life. One of the most tangible ways we relate to this powerful life force energy is through the sexual act.
Sexuality gives us access to the infinite source of creative wisdom held in our bodies to achieve a happier, more fulfilling life.
Ancient traditions had an intricate understanding of the potential to become empowered through sexual union. Now in modern times, with so much information available to us about sex, people can pick and choose the best from all of the ancient sexual arts and find what works for them the most. These old methods are fascinating to explore and maybe just the thing for you, but I sense that we, as Westerners, need a Western expression for Sacred Sexuality.
It is time to develop a unique form of sacred sex, that form of holy sex that harmonizes with our life's most incredible energies and yet allows plenty of spontaneous freedom, improvisation, and personal expression.
What does it mean to make something sacred?
The sacred is always a relationship. It's a relationship of time, place, and you. It is the declaration to yourself and perhaps your lover or others. In other words, it is the story we tell ourselves about what we are doing or how we are experiencing a particular thing. If, at this moment, we decide that our lovemaking will serve as a devotion to our bond, if we decide that each time we make love, it is sanctifying our connection to all that IS, then so it is.
We are claiming our capacity to be the container of spiritual love, allowing these bodies to become the temple of a container of spiritual love and the temple of ecstatic bliss that the Divine intended them to be.
Can you allow your ordinariness to get out of the way for the Divine to make itself known in you and your Beloved? Claim it, say it is so, and so it is.