The Tantric View of Women

Tantra embraces the universal concept of polarity, where both the yin and yang aspects are fundamental to all of creation.

Simply put, tantric philosophy explains the construct of the universe according to the principles of duality or polarity, where there exists a manifested aspect and an unmanifested aspect. All of reality can be explained and defined according to these two aspects.

In Tantra, all that is manifested is known as Shakti, the universal energy or divine feminine creative power. Everything that is a manifested element in this reality emanates from the Shakti, or feminine principle. It is the energy of action, power, creation, and life force. This aspect resonates with the feminine principle, the characteristic of yin, or the minus (-) polarity, as we see with a battery.

By contrast, the unmanifested is known as the Shiva consciousness and resonates with the masculine principle, the concept of yang, or the plus (+) polarity.

It is important to understand that the feminine and masculine principles far surpass and exceed our basic understanding of women and men. In fact, all living matter reflects a combination of both feminine and masculine principles. A woman embodies both the feminine aspect and the masculine aspect and the same goes for a man, who also embodies both masculine and feminine – as difficult as it may be to conceptualize – because he is a manifested, energetic being.

However, being born into the body of a woman with its accompanying physiology, biology, and psychology – which differ greatly from a man’s – means that a woman more closely and easily resonates and vibrates with the Shakti, feminine, goddess essence.

Tantra thus considers women to be natural-born tantrics. As Tantra, at its basis, is the science and study of energy, or Shakti, it recognizes that all of reality is made up of Shakti and realizes that there is great power in this energetic force.

A woman by her physical structure is simply more innately connected to the universal Shakti. Said another way, the microcosmic version of Shakti is a woman and the macrocosmic version of Shakti is the universe and all of creation. This means that a woman in and of herself is a nuclear and energetic force with vast and unimaginable potential!

Tantra worships Shakti, and to that end, it employs specific techniques and technology to activate, control, modulate, and harness the Shakti energy that is both in us and all around us.

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