unlock the latent power of kundalini energy.


Tantric Healing Process

A Powerful method

Tantric Healing is a powerful process that combines Trauma Release, Tantric Breathing, Dearmouring, Shaking/Movement, meditation, talk therapy & Energy Healing.

Trauma can leave a person scared in many ways, it can become a part of them that they can’t seem to get rid of. According to some approaches, our bodies store trauma and create energy blockages. Tantric Healing opens up the energetic blockages and lets your energy flow freely through your body. This way of healing touches the spiritual aspects of your being, unlike conventional healing methods. Here are some of the tools and techniques of tantric healing trauma work: 

  • Safety and Trust: In tantric healing, the most fundamental concept is to establish a feeling of safety

  • Avoiding re-traumatisation: Every person has their own pace to process events and gain insights and is going through a unique journey. It is important not to be demanding or persistent. There is no one-way road to healing and letting the person find their way through the tools tantra provides them is the goal. 

  • Breath: Breathing can be used as a tool for healing and releasing your energy blockages. Breathing techniques to cope with psychological issues and emotional healing are very common both in conventional therapy and alternative approaches. 

  • Sounds: During trauma, a person feels helpless and silenced. Trauma practitioners activate the throat by making sounds and releasing what has been frozen. One of the techniques is making sounds during the exhale and connecting with your breath through this method. 

  • Letting the feelings flow: By accepting your feelings and actively experiencing them as they come, you can let go and release muscle tension. Suppressing, denying, or using any other mechanism to somehow avoid your emotions can give them more power than they initially possessed. These emotions can be stored in your body and create blockages. Tantra therapists can give you tools to experience and express the feelings without them escalating and flooding in a wave you can’t cope with. As the sensations related to trauma arise, the therapist helps the client notice them and release the trauma. When the body feels ready to let go, it will be successfully guided by the therapist into release. 

  • Acceptance: Tantra practitioners provide unconditional acceptance which is the key factor in healing and is recognized by every therapeutic approach. 

  • Self-care: Tantra promotes daily self-care and “me-time” with practices like grounding, meditation, exercise, and breathing.

  • Connection: One of the many benefits of tantra is enhancing that connection with yourself, your body, others, and the universe.

  • Embodiment and Sensations: To connect with your body and heal the trauma, tantric work goes through sensations.

  • Touch/Bodywork: Tantra uses touch to establish love, nurture, and healing. Deep scars buried in our bodies can be released with touch.

  • Shaking/Movement: Tantra promotes movement in many forms, one of which is shaking. Shaking allows energy to flow through the body and break free from the blockages. 

  • Dearmouring: Pressure techniques are applied to different parts of the body to dearmour and release the blockages. 

  • Trauma Release: Learn how to gently release tension, stress & trauma from the nervous system and become more loose and natural. At the same time, you will increase your capacity for self-regulation and grounding – both essential skills for navigating through life.

  • Meditation: Meditation enhances attention, emotional awareness, kindness, compassion, sympathetic joy, and mental calmness even in difficult situations.

  • Energy Healing: Energy healing is a traditional healing system that restores the balance and flow of energy throughout the body, mind, and soul.

tantric healing packages:
5x 2-hour sessions.
10x 2-hour sessions.

Hear what others say

I want to share my gratitude for you in teaching me to run the energies. I’ve had some powerful self-love sessions where I can touch my stomach below my belly button and the energies instantly come flowing strongly. That spot is my Sacred Spot, and which I identified during the Sacred Spot ritual. Thank you again for your power! 
– Anonym
I learned so much about my energy field. 
– Louise