Release suppressed emotions, tension & trauma.

NTB Breath & Trauma Release®

Neurotransformative Breathwork (NTB Breath) & Trauma Release®

a body-oriented form of therapy and a powerful approach to trauma healing.

In this session, we use the healing power of breath to dive into shamanic spaces where body & soul are set free to release repressed emotions and trauma that are stored as chronic tension held in the nervous system. Deep connected breathing, combined with bodywork techniques and Trauma Release, supports the body’s natural intelligence to heal the soul and return to its essence, the heart's space. Physically, mentally, and emotionally, that often feels like a "rebirth" into a new life.


Hear what others say

I am feeling good, more alive, powerful and energetic, my body feels lighter both sitting and walking, ready for anything, but still a bit tired in my lungs, like they are recovering after big workout, I think this transformation brings alot of release but also it costs energy. I think it can support in being more alive, remove the loop you mentioned and more.
Also my heartbeat is more stable, nohigh peaks, less stess today, mind-balanced 
– Johann
Wow, what an experience.
– Gregor