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  • Sólsetrið 1 Austurberg Reykjavík Island (map)


25 November 2023 10:00 -22.00 GMT
Sólsetrið, Skrauthólar 162 Reykjavík, Iceland

One-day retreat, including Sauna, Ecstatic Dance, icelandic herb teas, Smoothies & Power Drinks to support cleanse

Embrace your emotions consciously, feel, integrate & alter them
— We dearmour the planet by just being us.

We do our best to suppress, avoid, and dampen our emotions, but most emotions want to be felt. Unexpressed emotions don’t just disappear. They hang out in our nervous system, accumulating “dust” or generating anxious energy inside us. Sometimes, we need to press the release valve. In terms of emotional integration, the release valve is expressing your emotions.

Emotions make us human. They are a symphony of signals that help us know what is unresolved, what inspires us, and where to go next. We can trust them fully once we learn to feel, listen, and speak their language.

By showing up for our repressed emotions, we more easily integrate the experience, and it helps us take action and help our body and mind return to a state of calm, composed health and wholeness. Expressing our emotions is a powerful path to integration.

By consciously inviting that repressed part within us, making it visible, breathing deeply into these areas, feeling and sensing it, expanding our consciousness until it feels less intense, and letting the body speak.

Integration happens naturally through recalibrating the felt-sense experience and anchoring this experience deep within our bodies. Our repressed parts are more integrated into our consciousness, moved out from the shadows. And we experience more ease and our energy and emotional body. There is yet to be a goal to achieve.

¥ step into your rawness
¥ allow yourself to feel alive
¥ release suppressed emotions
¥ liberate and expand from the inside
¥ Trust and feel safe in your body

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This One Day Retreat offers you a space moving from Letting Go to Inviting, from Release to Integrate: It is an empowering space where our repressed parts soften when we allow us to meet, feel, and sense them with an energy of accepting love. To become vulnerable - to open up. We will talk about consent and your Intention and manifest that in powerful group-sharing experiences.

Invitation to show up in your vulnerability
Remember your nature
Clear, guided and safe facilitated Container

Come with an empty stomach.
Comfortable Clothes
Sarong / Towel for Sauna

Bring your topic:
What wants to be moved, resolved, released, and shifted?
BE the Change!

We start at 10.00 AM. Be on time!

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(We allow us to adapt the flow of the energy of that day)

09.30 Doors Open

Welcome: Consent, Introduction, Research

Barfoot Walking

Emotional Release Techniques

SILENT BREAK: Walk into cold Water

14.00 Light Lunch with Smoothies & Power-Food


Trauma Release Exercises & Neurotransformative Breathwork

Integration: Shamanic Drum Journey

Sharing, Q&A

20.00 Sauna & Ecstatic Dance

Additional. We offer a sleepover in Wonderland if you feel the call to wake up the following day here.

You are welcome with everything and who you are.

Love, Ýra & Astrid

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25 November 2023 10:00 -22.00 GMT
Sólsetrið, Skrauthólar 162 Reykjavík, Iceland

One-day retreat, including Sauna, Ecstatic Dance, Smoothies, and power Drinks to support cleanse. We serve all day long fruits, Icelandic herb teas & nuts.

Sliding Scale: 12.000-18.000 ISK

Bring a Friend(s) or Partner: you get a 20% Discount.

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19 November


29 November

WINTERBURN - The Art of Dying: Overcoming Our Fear of (ego-)Death