Studying Sexual energy through the lens of Tantra

The concept of sexual energy in today’s world is limited to the sexual act alone for the most part. In Tantra, however, it is so much more.

You can do extraordinary things with your sexual energy, such as healing yourself, achieving great success in your life or business, amplifying your creativity, and even deepening your spiritual aspiration.

The key to using your sexual energy for various purposes is two ancient and secret processes well defined in Tantra called sexual transmutation and sublimation.

Read on for a comprehensive guide to understanding your sexual energy better and how to use this ecstatic force for miraculous and mysterious purposes. The life of your dreams is at your very fingertips!

What is energy generally?

Energy is a universal force that is within us and all around us. It differentiates into many types, such as pranic energy, emotional energy, mental energy, sexual energy, spiritual energy, frequencies, vibrations, the energy of colors and sounds, solar energy, lunar energy, and so on. The list is long.

Regardless of the type, there is one fundamental truth about all energy: It operates according to and governs by specific laws. Uncover these laws; you will acquire the universal key to controlling and mastering power.

Take electricity, for example. Electricity is a form of energy. Through scientific inquiry, human beings could decode the laws governing electricity. They discovered that combining the plus aspect with the minus element (with a bulb and filament) produces an electrical charge, resulting in energy harnessing to create light. Once this discovery was made, electricity was no longer just a theory or concept. It became a living and breathing reality, and that was because the electricity “code” was cracked.

Everything is made up of energy, from animate to inanimate objects – from furniture to cars, the sun, food and water, and even humans.

We are energetic beings living in a reality made up of energy.

Most people are unaware of these energetic forces mainly because they are invisible, more subtle, and not easy to see with the naked eye or touch and feel tangible. However, as a tantric practitioner, you can learn how to see energy, feel energy, harness energy, interact with power, and control energy consciously.

Here are a few everyday examples that show where energy is at play; it may evade you if you are new to the concept of energy or not a believer (yet)…

  • You think of someone, and a few minutes later, they call you on the phone

  • You feel someone’s presence before you can see them or hear them

  • You find yourself feeling depleted or exhausted after being in a group setting or being in someone’s company

  • You feel hyper-emotional or experience heightened sexuality during the full moon

  • You feel a jolt of energy, a shiver up your spine, or a blissful wave takes over your body after an orgasmic experience

These are all examples of energy at play. You constantly interact with energy every minute of every day, whether you know it or not. Your whole life (including birth) and life circumstances are due to energetic forces acting upon you.

What is sexual energy specifically?

There are many different types of energy, and sexual energy is one of them.

Every living thing, including human beings, animals, plants, and microorganisms, is here because of sex and sexual energy. It is the energy of life and creation.

Sexual energy, at its most basic level, is the driving force behind the sexual act itself. It links to both innate biological programs as well as our desires.

Your sexual energy is a life-giving energy sustaining and maintains you constantly.

A deeper look into sexual energy also reveals that it is not just some survival instinct to propagate the species but is, in fact, our life force energy and life creation energy. The energy brings forth and creates life first and foremost, but it also sustains life. 

Sexual energy is life-giving energy that animates all living creatures. Throughout your life, on a physical level, your sexual energy sustains you and nourishes you. In other words, it gives you life at birth but doesn’t end there. This energy accompanies you throughout your entire life, regenerating your cells constantly.

Sexual energy is the energy of creation and creativity. All of us ultimately stem from sex. We are a creation of sex, and it is our origin. Without sexual energy, there would be no life because there would be no urge, motivation, or driving force to create life.

Sexual energy is life, and life is sexual energy. The two are inseparable.

Beyond the creation of life, sexual energy can be used to create and give birth to other things, such as a business, a long-lasting relationship, a novel or piece of art, money, success, and so on.

Sexual energy is a neutral energy, like all other energies. Its utility is not limited, confined, or narrowly defined. To understand its potential, it is necessary to broaden the concept beyond a correlation with just sex. It is an energy of force with a lot of power, and with the right intention, it can be channeled to any purpose, passion, goal, or direction.

The bottom line is sex, sexuality, and sexual energy are fundamental to who you are. You are a sexual being, and in spiritual Tantra, that is revered and celebrated, not despised and rejected.

It is your superpower if you understand it correctly and know how to use it.

Everything is energy

Beyond the physical body, you are a sophisticated infrastructure of energy.

It may be hard to fathom that you are more than just your gross, physical body. Our whole lives, we are told that nothing is beyond what we can see and feel. If it is invisible, then it doesn’t exist.

However, the more you study Tantra and do tantric practices such as Tantra Yoga, meditation, and pranayama, the more you develop your energetic senses. Your perception can extend beyond the physical body, and you will start to perceive your more ethereal structure.

You are a sophisticated energy infrastructure beyond your material body and physical manifestation.

You have five koshas, or subtle bodies, that surround the physical body and extend beyond it, like the layers of an onion. The only difference here, however, is that in the case of the onion, the layers are independent. In the case of the five bodies, the layers are interconnected, overlapping, and interdependent.

Additionally, you have seven energy centers known as the seven chakras, which are positioned just outside the physical body in crucial points or areas, each corresponding with an energetic plane in the Universe.

And finally, each of the seven chakras is connected to the physical body via a nadi or energy channel, which is part of a super-network of more than 72,000 energy channels. Nadis are similar to the meridians of acupuncture and Chinese Medicine. These channels are there to transfer, circulate, and conduct energy throughout your entire body.

This complex energetic system and framework allows you to interact with universal forces such as energy. Your five bodies, seven chakras, and 72,000 nadis act like antennas or broadcasting stations that can both receive and emit energy. It is a highly sophisticated system and a divinely intelligent design inside you.

Studying energy through the lens of Tantra

Tantra is the science and study of energy, fundamentally speaking. It is also a vast and comprehensive spiritual tradition that uses energy to reach spiritual accomplishments such as high consciousness and enlightenment.

Tantra is the science and study of energy, so it makes sense to look deeper into the topic of sexual energy through the lens of Tantra.

The tantric masters studied energy extensively. They looked at all types of energy and learned how to crack the code of each so that they could ultimately master power. Of course, they realized they could use energy for material gain and worldly pleasures such as success and money. However, being spiritually inclined, they had only one interest: to use power to reach God and realize their divine nature.

They discovered very quickly that while all energy has power, one punch, in particular, was especially formidable and had a potentiality that far exceeded any other type of energy, and that was sexual energy.

This dynamic force, known as sexual energy, is the most potent energy available to you as a human being. You can use it to create life. Imagine what else it could do if it were redirected elsewhere.

Therefore, the tantric masters studied sexual energy extensively, not because they were sex-obsessed but because they were “God-obsessed.” They knew sexual energy, if repurposed, was their one-way express ticket to the ultimate spiritual accomplishment!

Tantra is the only spiritual tradition that truly defines sexual energy almost like an engineer would, and also has devised methodical techniques for feeling it, controlling it, and transmuting it.


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